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Audio-Noise Filter for car/truck

Audio-Noise Filter for car/truck
  • Ground Loop Isolator

This modul filters out unwated noises (buzzing,clicking and whistling), which are inserted by your car. Simply place it between your audio source (eg. CarPC soundcard) and the car amp/radio/aux-adapter. Installation is possible within 10 minutes. The modul can handle up to 15 Ampere (180 Watts Total).


14.95 EUR
incl. 19% VAT, plus shipping
In Stock (17 pcs)

4 von 5 Sternen
40 ratings

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Customer ratings: 4 von 5 Sternen
Average rating, based on 40 ratings
4 von 5 Sternen from shurikn am 20.07.2012 | | See all my comments

It doesn't change a lot for me. Maybe the parasit sound in the car are a little quieter but not by much.
Yesterday I've made again all my wire connections and there is a sound gain. Do that before to buy this.

4 von 5 Sternen from talan am 12.08.2011 | | See all my comments

Durch den Einbau eines Entstörfilters merkt man schon einen großen Unterschied. Jedoch verschwinden die Störgeräusche nicht immer komplett...Einen Versuch ist es auf jeden Fall immer Wert, denn diese Filter sind sicher die schnellste Lösung, das Pfeifen oder Brummen loszuwerden

Update from :2012-05-29 05:18
Klare Kaufempfehlung und ist sein Geld Wert

5 von 5 Sternen from Moersl am 27.06.2011 | | See all my comments

Macht genau das was es soll. Der Unterschied zwischen mit und ohne iost echt erstaunlich!!!

5 von 5 Sternen from mugur_ungureanu am 27.03.2011 | See all my comments

Compact and easy to install. It filters almost all the unwanted noise (I still have a tiny ushhhh coming when the power stearing is used). It has a very good quality/price ratio so, it is recomended for all carPC applications.

4 von 5 Sternen from carlo.marsich am 06.12.2010 | | See all my comments

Prefect audio filter for quick and easy noises solution.

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